Your business gateway to Germany

Global business and internationalization have long become a normality in todays world. Especially small and medium sized companies (SMEs) can profit from international business.

So become active and don’t fall behind! – With its population of over 80 million people and its central position within Europe, the German market is a perfect opportunity for the internationalization of your business.

Of course, expanding into a foreign market always requires extensive knowledge of the local language and of the market situation. Above all, however, a personal presence on site is priceless when it comes to establishing and consolidating sustainable business relationships.

Foreign Markets offers you tailor made market entry services and helps you establish your business on the German market.

Your team in Germany

Your team in Germany

Foreign Markets consists of dedicated and highly motivated people offering you their international professional experience and expertise to work for your company in Germany.

With our comprehensive language skills and expertise in international business relations, we are here to make your business activities in Germany flourish sustainably.

Take advantage of our expertise in international marketing and sales and make your business in Germany a great success!

Marketing, sales, and much more

We personally handle all activities in the areas of marketing and sales to successfully establish your company on the German market. By setting up and expanding customer relationships in your name step by step you will profit from a smooth market entry.

With this approach you do not need to invest in new employees beforehand. Your investment will always stay manageable and a higher Return on Investment can be achieved, even in early stages of the market entry.

You can benefit from our sound knowledge and experience we have gained in numerous international projects for medium-sized companies from various business sectors.

Increasing your Turnover in Germany

Find out how we can help you build your business in Germany. Get tailor-made personal support for your business success in Germany!

Your Business Success in Germany

Beyond borders, with a personal touch

In our work we put significant emphasis on assisting you in a personal way. Together as partners we will bridge cultural and language barriers to open up the gates to the German market.

Foreign Markets would like to especially give medium-sized businesses the opportunity to serve customers in Germany and help them save the high direct investments usually necessary when entering a new foreign market.

We believe that especially small and medium sized companies should not be left out when there are growth opportunities in the internationally connected business world.

Contact us


SRC – Sales Readiness Consulting GmbH
Karneidplatz 32
81547 Munich



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